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Anyone can choose to be happy...

This was one of the biggest lightbulb moments for Caitlin, who recently completed the Mama Mojo Method. Read her full post course interview and her views on the 1:1 coaching programme with Kimberley. In her own words she tell us just how it has changed her life for the better.......

What was life like for you before you did the Mama Mojo Method?

I used to be really anxious. I worried all the time about everything and always thought the worst was going to happen. I struggled to sleep, was regularly tearful and I felt like I was failing as a mum.

What other things had you tried before (if any) to help you, and why didn’t they work for you?

I hadn’t tried anything as I thought I could manage my anxiety myself and that everyone else felt similarly worried and full of self doubt. I was in complete denial. It was looking through Kimberley’s Facebook group 'The Mama Mojo Club' and after starting baby yoga and massage classes with her, that it made me realise maybe what I was feeling wasn’t normal and that there might be a way to improve things so that I felt happier and more in control.

What was your biggest reservation about doing the Mama Mojo Method, or what were you worried about prior to signing up?

I was worried about if I could actually feel better and be able to maintain it. I also worried that it was selfish of me to put time aside to work on myself rather than focussing upon my family. However, during my discovery call Kimberley helped me to realise that by doing the Mama Mojo method to help myself feel happier and calmer it would, by extension, have huge benefits for my family too.

What made you decide to sign up?

I didn’t want to continue feeling constantly worried, stressed and upset. I wanted to get control of my emotions and to feel happier so that I could enjoy life and be a good role model for my son. I didn’t want to hold myself back anymore.

In your own words describe how you found the programme - which parts were your favourite/which parts you found hard/what elements of the delivery did you enjoy/didn’t enjoy/how did you find putting it into practice & doing the weekly activities following the coaching sessions – were these useful?

I really enjoyed the delivery of the sessions. Kimberly made me feel very safe and made the sessions easy - I was initially very nervous about opening up and speaking to someone but she made the sessions fun and I quickly got over these worries. I found the weekly activities following the sessions extremely useful - they helped me to understand what i had learnt within the session and how it applied to my life. Putting the new strategies/activities into practice was the fun bit and the more I do them, the more they become second nature and just my new normal.

What was the hardest thing during the programme? And did you ever feel like quitting?

Initially I found the weekly activities a bit daunting but once I chunked them up they actually become easy and enjoyable to complete. There’s also always the option to take more than one week between the sessions to allow more time to completely the follow on activities.

I never considered quitting, as I could see very quickly the benefits the program was having for me, but I did feel anxious about maintaining the changes. Kimberly reassured me that I have all the tools I need on completing the course. I do know I have all the tools to be able to continue with the strategies learnt on my own.

What was the biggest lightbulb moment during the programme?
On my discovery call Kimberly said ‘anyone can choose to be happy’. That was a huge lightbulb moment. From there I continued to realise that I was in control of my thoughts and feelings and that I could choose to focus on the positives.

What is life like now for you after completing the Mama Mojo Method?

I feel much more in control of my emotions now. I worry far less, sleep and eat better and am able to live ‘positively present’. I also feel much more self worth and self belief. I know I’m a very good mum and no longer feel like a failure. I’m also so much kinder to myself now.

What advice would you give someone thinking about doing it but not sure?

Go for it, you’ve got nothing to lose but so so much to gain.

Would you give any constructive feedback about how the programme or the delivery of the programme could be improved?

None - the pace of the programmers was good and I felt thoroughly supported throughout.

Would you recommend the Mama Mojo Method?

Definitely! Believe in yourself and let Kimberly help you to become the best and happiest version of you.

Any other comments….

Thank you for everything, I couldn’t be more grateful.

If you would like to learn all the tools Caitlin has and turn your mindset around in just 8 sessions then book your discovery call today, like Caitlin says - you've got nothing to loose but so much to gain!

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